Meet Jerry. Daytime is scary for Jerry. There are monsters everywhere and he doesn't know how to get away. But at night, he gets a bit hairy and it's a little less scary.


Move - Arrow Keys or WASD (PC), Left Stick (Xbox/Playstation)

Jump - Space (PC), A (Xbox), X (Playstation)

Start - Enter (PC), Menu (Xbox), Options (Playstation)


Programming and Design - Evan Mashack, Phil Gathany

Voice Acting - Phil Gathany

Modeling - Phil Gathany (Jerry/Hairy Jerry)

Music - Joey DiCamillo


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This is a surprising amount of fun! It kind of brings me back to games like Doodle Jump except it has a lot more personality. I especially like the satisfying thwack when you are in wolf mode and an enemy gets too close! :)